Be among the first to explore the holiday specials and deals our retailers offer at the West Plano Village. Check out Kona Grill in Plano and several other local and national retailers for all your holiday shopping and dining needs. Stop by today to enjoy pumpkin, spice and everything nice in Plano at West Plano Village:
Discover Special Pumpkin Spice Flavors for the Holidays at Kona Grill in Plano
Pumpkin dishes are common as the holidays approach. You can enjoy special pumpkin flavors at Kona Grill. Check out their special pumpkin pie, pumpkin lobster tortellini, and pumpkin spice old-fashioned. There are always unique pumpkin dishes every year. Explore what the restaurant offers this year and enjoy the best dining experience.
Reserve a Table at Kona Grill Today for Delicious Thanksgiving Food
Kona Grill in Plano offers more than delicious food. Here, you will enjoy an unforgettable dining experience with your loved ones. You can pick a table that suits your needs through their online system. Whether you dine alone or you bring your family and loved ones, you will enjoy the ambiance that the restaurant has to offer. Reserve a table today and make an online order so your food is ready by the time you get there.
Explore the Diverse Menu at Kona Grill for Special Family Dinners
You can visit Kona Grill in Plano for all American favorites. They have beverages, a brunch menu, a kids menu, a date night menu, power lunches, and happy hour, or you can go for their pumpkin features special dishes. There is something for everyone and every occasion, so plan your family dinner today. The Thanksgiving food is prepared using the freshest ingredients with every dish prepared from scratch.
Explore the contemporary setting at West Plano Village that combines retail, residential spaces, offices, and dining options. Enjoy the best meals at the center and later explore the center’s affordable shopping options. Looking to enjoy the holidays in Plano? Check out our directory today!
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